Sunday, June 15, 2014

The North Long Loop

Summer is Now

After an early morning set of chores, I headed out the door for a bike ride around quarter 'til eleven.  Inspired by lovely weather, I headed north to knock off the nearly 8 miles of my North Long Loop. 

There were very few walker, joggers or bikers out for such a pleasant Sunday.  The sky was New Mexico blue with only a few high clouds.  The pavement of the bike path showed some large new cracks with nothing was growing in them.  Perhaps thermal expansion from the 90°+ heat?

 The Sisymbrium has been reduced to scattered dry twigs.  Chenopodium and Amaranthus are starting to take hold, but still less than 6" high.  A few tumbleweeds are shaping up.  In some places the Lactuca and others are getting up to 24" tall and crowding the ditch path.  Not a goathead to be seen... yet.

The paths along the acequias losing their firm crust from last winter.  In the last month, the surface has been pounded until areas of fine sand are appearing.  Lots of low gear cranking to get through the deep, soft spots.

Here are a couple navigational videos from the area where the Griegos Lateral splits off the Gallegos Lateral.  After crossing Rio Grande Blvd, you are following the right bank of the Gallegos Lateral.  The first video begins looking back down the Gallegos Lateral and pans to the west where the narrow walkway over the ditch takes you to the very northern most piece of Eakes Rd.

Hop a low gate and peddle south 100 yards and you come to a damaged metal gate with narrow wooden posts to keep out the non-pedestrians.  A little careful work with the handlebars and you can squeeze through.

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